========================================== Release Notes for Khiops 10 Version Series ========================================== Version 10.2.2 ============== On Windows, the Khiops installation program now comes with the open-source Java JRE JustJ instead of Oracle's JDK. Khiops is now available for debian 11 and 12: the library used to parallelize Khiops is now OpenMPI. MPICH remains for conda packages only. New version of visualization and covisualization tools, with many improvements and bug fixes. Minor improvements: - new '-s' flag to display system information (useful for debugging). - change in exit status: return 0 on success, 1 on fatal error (if there is an error or warning in the log file, the exit code is 0). Other minor improvements and bug fixes. Version 10.2.1 ============== Bug fix: - Fix a bug that appears when reading temporary files in multi-machines mode. Minor improvements: - improve java management in linux packages Version 10.2.0 ============== **Announcement**: This is a special release marking the open-sourcing of the Khiops AutoML suite. New Features: - Khiops can now be built in macOS. Currently only a conda package is available for installing (more information at https://khiops.org) Bug fix: - Fix a bug in the calculation of descriptive stats for huge databases - Fix clusters having negative typicalities in coclustering - Fix regex derivation rule not working in multi-table dictionaries - Fix `AddSeconds` rule not correctly parsing large values Version 10.1.5 ============== Bug fix: - KhiopsNativeInterface crashes with java under Linux. Signals are not intercepted anymore in KNI. Version 10.1.4 ============== Bug fix: - in the sorting algorithm: it could produce corrupted files when the separators of the input and output files are different. Version 10.1.3 ============== Bug fix: - better error management on non standard file systems (e.g. s3 or hdfs) - the results directory is correctly build in predictor evaluation on non standard file systems Version 10.1.2 ============== Bug fix: - the results path is correctly build in Khiops-coclustering when the directory is located on non standard file systems (e.g. s3 or hdfs) Version 10.1.1 ============== Bug fixes: - in the sorting algorithm : in case where the field separator in the output file was different from the input file, with the input file having fields surrounded by double-quotes and containing the input field separator - in the construction of trees: in an edge case with a single tree and categorical fields with very large number of values - in a multiple-machine cloud environment: fixed the file path management with URI - in a multiple-machine cloud environment: fixed management of specialized temporary directories per machine Improvements: - better dimensioning of the deployment task in case of multi-table schema with a large number of orphan secondary records - improved detection and diagnostics related to JAVA runtime in Khiops scripts on Windows Version 10.1 ============ Khiops 10.1 is a minor release, with few new features, but many optimization and reliability improvements, to better perform in cloud environments and better integrate Khiops within information systems. Main new features - Visualization tools: - Khiops visualization: new panel "Tree preparation" to visualize the trees. - Khiops covisualization: new tool, replacing the previous one based on the obsolete Flex framework. - Data Table Dictionaries: - A new type TimestampTZ: A timestamp with timezone: - it uses the ISO 8601 standard (see the Khiops Guide for more details). - it is detected automatically in the "Build dictionary from data table" feature. - new derivation rules for this type: - CopyTSTZ, FormatTimestampTZ, AsTimestampTZ, UtcTimestamp, LocalTimestamp, SetTimeZoneMinutes, GetTimeZoneMinutes, DiffTimestampTZ, AddSecondsTSTZ, IsTimestampTZValid, BuildTimestampTZ, GetValueTSTZ. - new automatic construction rule in "Variable construction parameters": - LocalTimestamp, to obtain a local Timestamp from a TimestampTZ - Timestamp type now accepts a format with the character 'T' as separator between date and time. - New derivation rules for ternary operator rules: IfD, IfT, IfTS, IfTSTZ. - Sample percentage field in all database dialog boxes now accepts one digit precision (ex: 2.5%). - Coclustering simplification now accepts a new constraint: the maximum total part number. Main integration improvements - License keys/tokens are not required anymore to execute Khiops: - Note that Khiops is not unlicensed, having the same legal license agreement file as before. - The options -l and -u of the Khiops executables are not available anymore. - Log, progression and output scenario files can now be redirected to /dev/stdout or /dev/stderr on Linux, with lines prefixed by the string "Khiops.log", "Khiops.progression" and Khiops.command respectively. - A new format for progression files that is simpler and easier to parse. - New executable return codes: - 1 if there were fatal errors in the execution - 2 if there were errors but no fatal errors in the execution - 0 on success - A new environment variable KHIOPS_RAW_GUI allows file name selection for URIs; it disables the file chooser dialog box in the user interface (see khiops_env command file in Khiops bin directory). - A data table file format detection more resilient to empty lines among valid lines. - Khiops now accepts UTF-8 data table files with BOM (byte order mark). - Less verbose log files. Main performance improvements - Tree construction is now parallelized. - Quantile sampling in multi-table tasks is now parallelized. - More exact resource estimations, eliminating previous overestimations and execution refusals. - The I/O lower layers have been deeply refactored, to better perform in cloud environments. Many minor corrections, mainly for edge-case bugs. Version 10.0.4 ============== - bug fix in sort algorithm : the field separator in the output file was not correct for files with a huge number of identical lines. Version 10.0.3 ============== - fix an edge-case bug in multi-table schemas, in case of a root table of moderate size and several subtables, some of them very small and some very large, and duplicate records in the root table - fix a problem of wrong line numbers reported in case or warning or errors occuring with very large data files - fix a bug in json reports for trees - the file format detector is now more resilient to empty lines in the analyzed data files Version 10.0.2 ============== - fix a bug for file systems with URI schemes (s3 or hdfs) for correct managment of the "result files directory" Version 10.0.1 ============== Improvements: - better handling of database encodings (ascii, ansi, utf8) for json report files, to make it easier to manipulate reports from pykhiops: cf. "Character encodings" section in the Khiops guide - the "Detect file format" feature now displays a message in the log window with the recognized format: used header line and field separator - the "Build dictionary" function now proposes a categorical format for fields that only contain the values "", "0", or "1" - in modeling dictionaries, the target variable is now set as "Unused" by default to facilitate the deployment of predictors in the case of deployment databases where the target variable is missing - the Accidents sample database is now translated into English, with interpretable variable names and values; a simpler version called AccidentsSummary is available - the khiops and khiops_coclustering shell commands now exploit a common shell command khiops_env which defines all env variables required by Khiops. This new command is self-documented and can be used from a wrapper, such as pykhiops - better messages and documentation in case of unsupported data formats, such as the "classic" Mac OS line endings, deprecated since Max OS X in 1998, or a UTF-8 file with BOM (byte order mark) start characters - slight improvement of the level criterion for the preparation of univariate and bivariate data in some edge cases - the "Build coclustering" button is renamed to "Train coclustering" in the Khiops coclustering tool - the environment variables for managing external resources are now KHIOPS_MEMORY_LIMIT and KHIOPS_TMP_DIR, instead of the now obsolete KhiopsTmpDir. - AUC is now 0 in the case of an empty test database. - the "Specific test database" dialog is now reset when the test database mode has changed. - other minor improvements Issues: - fix a bug in the "Extract keys" function, when the output file is specified without a header line - fix an overestimation of the memory requirement for building the trees in the case of large databases - fix a edge case bug that freezes parallel processes when learning a multi-table scheme - fix a edge case bug in the SNB classifier, in the case of a very large matrix instances x variables beyond two billion values - fix a edge case bug in the sorting functionality, when the input files contain fields between double quotes with internal quotes double quotes and/or an input field separator, and when the output field separator is different from the input one - fix a bug in te user interface, when the "Inspect dictionary" action could be called twice simultaneously, resulting in a crash - fix several resource management issues in the case of a cluster with several heteregeneous machines - Other minor corrections Version 10.0 ============ Khiops is a fully automatic tool for mining large multi-table databases, winner of several data mining challenges. Khiops components - Khiops: supervised analysis (classification, regression) and correlation study - Khiops Visualization: to visualize data preparation, modeling and evaluation results of Khiops - Khiops Coclustering: exploratory analysis using hierarchical coclustering - Khiops Covisualization: to visualize, explore and annotate coclustering results Main features - fully automatic data preparation (variable construction and preprocessing) and modeling - mining of data with single table and multi-table schemas - data preparation and modeling for classification, irrespective of the number of classes - data preparation and modeling for regression - descriptive statistics as well as correlation analysis for unsupervised data exploration - advanced unsupervised analysis via coclustering - enhanced recoding capabilities for data preparation - post-evaluation of trained predictors - robustness and scalability, with multi-gigabytes train datasets and no deployment limit - parallelization of data management, data preparation, modeling and deployment tasks - ease of use via simple user interface - interactive visualization tools for easily interpretable results - easy integration in information systems via batch mode, python library and online deployment library Khiops 10.0 - what's new - New algorithm for Selective Naive Bayes predictor - improved accuracy using a direct optimization of variable weights, - improved interpretability and faster deployment time, with less variables selected, - faster training time, using the new algorithm and exploiting parallelization, - Improved random forests - faster and more accurate preprocessing, - biased random selection of variable to better deal with large numbers of variables, - Management of sparse data - fully automatic, - potentially faster algorithms in case of many constructed variables, - New visualization tool - available on any platform: windows, linux, mac, both in standalone and using a browser - Parallelization on clusters of machine - available on Hadoop (Yarn, HDFS) - New version of pykhiops - more compliant with python PEP8 standard, using snake case - distributed as a python package - new features are available: see pykhiops release notes Backwards compatibility with Khiops 9 - dictionaries of Khiops 9 are readable with Khiops 10 - visualization reports of Khiops 9 are usable with the former visualization tool - python scripts using pykhiops 9 are running, with warnings for the deprecated features - scenarios of Khiops 9 are compatible, with warnings for the deprecated features - removed features in Khiops 10, that still work when used from former python scripts or scenarios: - MAP Naive Bayes is removed - Naive Bayes predictor is removed - Mandatory variable in pairs - Preprocessing options MODLEqualWidth, MODLEqualFrequency and MODLBasic are removed - deprecated features, that still work but will be removed in next versions: - pykhiops 9 is replaced by pykhiops 10 (see migration guide within pykhiops release notes) Warning: - all Khiops 9 deprecated features will be removed after Khiops 10, without upward compatibility - in future version, compatibility will no longer be maintained at the scenario level: it is preferable to use python scripts using pykhiops Detailed evolutions =================== Predictor - the new SNB algorithm directly optimizes the variable weights instead of computing them as a weighted sum over an ensemble of models, - the new SNB algorithm selects far less variables than previously - the MAP Naive Bayes predictor is no longer available - the Naive Bayes predictor is no longer available - in the SNB modeling report, each selected variable comes with three indicators - level: univariate evaluation - weight: multivariate evaluation - importance (new indicator): geometric mean of the weight and the level - the MAP indicator is no longer available - regression: predictors can now deal with missing target values - modeling: predictor are trained on the subset of the train database, containing the records related to actual target values - evaluation: the evaluation criteria are computed using only the the records related to actual target values Management of sparse data: - user impacts, in the user interface - in the deployment dialog box, the user can choose the output format for the output database: - tabular (default): standard tabular format - sparse: extended tabular format, with sparse fields in case of sparse data - technical impacts, most of them for internal purpose only, sparse data is managed throughout the data mining process, from feature construction to model deployment - dictionaries: variables can be organized in blocks of sparse variables - file format: sparse format is exploited in case of blocks of variables - derivation rules: many internal sparse derivation rules have been added - automatic variable construction: sparse derivation rules are generated when necessary Khiops file suffix: - new -khj: Khiops report under the json format -khcj: Khiops Coclustering report under the json format - existing -kdic: data dictionary -kdicj: data dictionary under the json format -khc: Khiops Covisualisation report, for the Covisualization tool -_kh: Khiops script -_khc: Khiops coclustering script - deprecated -khv: Khiops visualisation report, for the former Visualization tool -json: used by Khiops 9, deprecated Khiops Visualization - new visualization tool available to visualize the .khj files or the Khiops 9 .json files on any platform (not windows only as in former tool) - former visualization tool is still delivered to visualize the deprecated Khiops 9 .khv files - Khiops Covisualization tool is unchanged in this version Parallelization on clusters of machines - available on Hadoop (Yarn, HDFS) - delivered as an opened generic package, that needs potential adaptations for any specific Haddop distribution Derivation rules - Translate rule: to replace a list of search values with the corresponding replacement values; useful for example to replace all accented characters - Regex rules: RegexMatch, RegexSearch, RegexReplace, RegexReplaceAll - Sparse rules (internal use only) Pairs of variables: - extended parameters to specify either to analyse all or specific variable pairs KNI: Khiops Native Interface - KNIGetFullVersion: new fonction in API, to get full version of KNI - information on version available by right click on the KNI DLL on Windows Parallelization - now exploits up to n+1 processes on a machine with n cores, and usable on machines with only 2 cores Samples: - new sample 'Accident' from the open data, using a snowflake multi-table schema User interface - refactored panes and new default values - Train database pane: - Sample percentage: 70% by default - Test pane: removed - Inspect or edit the specification of the test database from the train database pane - Parameters pane: fields and actions from the former Preditors and Variable construction panes have been moved to new panes - Predictor pane - Feature engineering: new sub-pane - Max number of constructed variable: 100 by default - Max number of trees: 10 by default - Max number of variable pairs: 0 by default - Advanced predictor parameters: new sub-pane - Baseline predictor - Number of univariate predictors - Button Selective naive bayes parameters - Button Variable construction parameters - date and time construction rules are no longer selected by default - Button Variable pairs parameters - new parameters to specify either all or specific variable pairs to analyse - Recoders pane: new pane with all recoding parameters - Variable construction pane: removed - new helper button "Detect file format" in each database pane, to detect whether there is a header line and what the field separator is - new menu Help, with documentation, license management and about sub-menus - removed options - Pane Parameters/Predictors - MAP Naive Bayes and Naive Bayes predictors are removed - Pane Parameters/Preprocessing - Preprocessing options MODLEqualWdth, MODLEqualFrequency and MODLBasic are removed - renamed labels: some field or action labels have been renamed to for better understandability - improved fluidity, ergonomy and robustness Reports - new fields are stored in reports, to get a better description of the current analysis - shortDescription: new field in the Results pane - logs: section in all json reports, with the warnings and errors that occurred during the tasks - samplePercentage, sampleMode, selectionVariable, selectionValue: from the database panes - featureEngineering: section in preparationReport, with maxNumberOfConstructedVariables, maxNumberOfTrees, maxNumberOfVariablePairs - evaluatedVariablePairs, informativeVariablePairs in summary of bivariatePreparationReport - tree reports in the json report - treePreparationReport: similar to preparationReports, for the tree-based variables - treeDetails: specific json section that described the structure of each tree - json files produced by Khiops, for analysis reports and dictionaries, are now encoded using iso8859-1/windows-1252 unicode for extended ascii characters - evolutions taken into account into pykhiops 10 Khiops Coclustering - post-processing functionalities can now select an input coclustering model in any format (.khc, .json, .khcj) Command line options - new options: -l, -u, -v to manage the license using the command line Packaging - light versions of Khiops can be installed without java as prerequisite - platforms: see web site Performance - tuned resource management, for better use of available RAM and cores - improved scalability, evaluated on huge datasets Khiops web site - the www.khiops.com web site has been redesigned Many minor corrections and improvements