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Hash Map Rules


Structure(HashMapC) HashMapC(Structure(VectorC) keyVector, Structure(VectorC) valueVector)

Builds a hash map of Categorical values indexed by Categorical keys. The operands must come from VectorC rules of the same size, with unique keys in the keyVector.


Structure(HashMapC) TableHashMapC(Table table, Categorical key, Categorical value)

Builds a hash map of Categorical values from keys and values in a table. In case of duplicate keys in the table, only the first matching value is kept.


Categorical ValueAtKeyC(Structure(HashMapC) hashMap, Categorical key)

Returns a value of a categorical hash map at given key. Returns "" if not found. It allows to efficiently recode a Categorical value into another Categorical value.


Dictionary Person
  Categorical Name;
  Categorical Sex;
  // Maps "male" -> "Mr" and "female" -> "Mrs"
  Categorical Gender =
    ValueAtKeyC(HashMapC(VectorC("male", "female"), VectorC("Mr", "Mrs")), Sex);


Structure(HashMap) HashMap(Structure(VectorC) keyVector, Structure(Vector) valueVector)

Builds a hash map of numerical values indexed by keys. The operands must be the result of VectorC and Vector rules of the same size, with unique keys in the vector of keys.


Structure(HashMap) TableHashMap(Table table, Categorical key, Numerical value)

Builds a hash map of Numerical values from keys and values in a table. In case of duplicate keys in the table, only the first matching value is kept.


Numerical ValueAtKey(Structure(HashMap) hashMap, Categorical key)

Returns a value of a numerical hash map at given key. Returns missing value is not found. It allows to efficiently recode a Categorical value into a Numerical one.


Dictionary Person
  Categorical Name;
  Categorical Sex;
  // Maps "male" -> 0 and "female" -> 1
  Numerical NumericGender = ValueAtKeyC(HashMapC(VectorC("male", "female"), VectorC(0, 1)), Sex);