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Single-Table Concepts

This section introduces the use of dictionaries to easily implement the data management steps of a typical data science project, where the training data consists of a single table. For full documentation, please refer to the dictionaries reference page.

Data Description

One of the very first steps in data management is to specify the types of each variable in the training table, to ensure that they will be processed correctly in the rest of the pipeline.

In prototyping, the usual practice of data scientists is to first load data into memory (e.g. as a Pandas Dataframe) and check the types automatically inferred. While this approach works for small datasets, it becomes inefficient for large-scale datasets in production contexts. This is where Khiops dictionaries offer a much more efficient alternative.

A dictionary is a standalone file that specifies variable types and is read alongside the data during processing. This eliminates the need to load data into memory upfront and enables advanced features such as:

  • I/O optimization;
  • Out-of-core processing for handling datasets that exceed memory limits;
  • Distributed processing for scaling across multiple machines.

Additionally, dictionaries enable robust error handling. By providing a data specification beforehand, Khiops can:

  • Replace on the fly unreadable values with missing values (which Khiops can leverage effectively to extract meaningful insights, as shown in this tutorial);
  • Ignore records with an incorrect number of fields, avoiding column shifts and ensuring consistent data.

This approach allows Khiops to process even poor-quality data sources reliably, while preserving the integrity and value of subsequent computations.

Here's an example of a dictionary for the Iris dataset:

Example: A simple dictionary for the Iris dataset

Dictionary  Iris
    Numerical   SepalLength ;
    Numerical   SepalWidth      ;
    Numerical   PetalLength     ;
    Numerical   PetalWidth      ;
    Categorical Class   ;   
  • Iris indicates the name of the dictionary;
  • SepalLength, SepalWidth ... Class indicate variable names;
  • The keywords Numerical and Categorical define the corresponding variable types.

Dictionaries also enable advanced and flexible management of time variables, with support for numerous types (i.e. Date, Time, Timestamp, TimestampTZ, and custom time formats). Detailed descriptions of these types are provided on the dictionary reference page.

Programmatic Manipulation with the Core API

Khiops dictionaries can be manipulated programmatically using the Khiops Python library, via the Core API. This includes checking the consistency of a dataset given a dictionary.

Example: Checking a database using the Core API

# Imports
import os
from khiops import core as kh

# Set the file paths
dictionary_file_path = os.path.join(kh.get_samples_dir(), "Iris", "Iris.kdic")
data_table_path = os.path.join(kh.get_samples_dir(), "Iris", "Iris.txt")
log_file = os.path.join("kh_samples", "check_database", "check_database.log")

# Check the database

Khiops also offers automatic type extraction from the training data file, as shown in the following example:

Example: Building a dictionary from a data table

# Imports
import os
from khiops import core as kh

# Set the file paths
data_table_path = os.path.join(kh.get_samples_dir(), "Iris", "Iris.txt")
dictionary_name = "AutoIris"
dictionary_file_path = os.path.join(
    "kh_samples", "build_dictionary_from_data_table", "AutoIris.kdic"

# Create the dictionary from the data table
    data_table_path, dictionary_name, dictionary_file_path

Filtering Out-of-Scope Variables

Another important step in data management is to define the scope of the analysis. Often, the available data contains variables that are irrelevant to the task at hand and need to be filtered out. In the case of single-table training data, this involves selecting only the variables that are relevant to the analysis, while ignoring the rest.

Rather than loading the entire dataset into memory and manually dropping unnecessary columns, as it is common in small-scale prototyping, dictionaries enable a more efficient approach. Khiops directly filters out unwanted variables during the data reading phase. By specifying these variables as Unused in the dictionary, only the relevant columns are loaded into memory, regardless of the dataset size. This avoids excessive RAM usage and simplifies workflows, especially when trial-and-error is needed during data preparation.

Using dictionaries also minimizes storage overhead. Instead of versioning large datasets for each modification, you can simply version the lightweight dictionary file, which encodes all filtering logic. This is particularly cost-effective in cloud environments where storage can be expensive.

The following example shows how the Unused keyword can be used in dictionaries to filter out irrelevant variables:

Example: Using the Unused keyword in a dictionary

Dictionary  Iris
Unused Numerical    SepalLength ;
Unused Numerical    SepalWidth      ;
    Numerical   PetalLength     ;
    Numerical   PetalWidth      ;
    Categorical Class   ;   

In this example, the variables SepalLength and SepalWidth are marked as Unused, which means that they will not be loaded into memory. Only the columns PetalLength, PetalWidth, and Class will be processed.

User-Defined Variables

In many cases, raw data stored in databases does not align with business experts' understanding. This occurs because the data often lacks the transformations needed to reflect domain knowledge. A crucial step in data management is translating this knowledge into manually-defined variables calculated from the raw data. For example, in a medical application, a variable such as the body mass index (BMI) can be derived from a patient’s height and weight.

Typically, data scientists handle this by loading the entire dataset into memory and manually calculating these variables by using libraries like Pandas. While effective for small-scale prototyping, this approach is resource-intensive, requiring substantial RAM and storage, especially when numerous trial-and-error iterations are performed during feature engineering. Data versioning also becomes cumbersome, as changes must be tracked across multiple files and scripts.

For industrial-scale projects, dictionaries provide an efficient and scalable alternative. User-defined variables are calculated on the fly when the raw data is read, reducing memory overhead and eliminating the need for precomputed transformations. Additionally, since the entire data transformation flow is encoded within the dictionary, versioning is limited to a single text file, which can be managed by a version control system, such as Git.

The following dictionary example shows the calculation of a user-defined variable representing the area of sepals, in the Iris dataset:

Example: Calculating a user-defined variable

Dictionary  Iris
    Numerical   SepalLength ;
    Numerical   SepalWidth      ;
    Numerical   PetalLength     ;
    Numerical   PetalWidth      ;
    Numerical   SepalArea = Product(SepalLength,SepalWidth);
    Categorical Class   ;   
  • As previously, the field Iris indicates the name of the dictionary;
  • And the fields SepalLength, SepalWidth ... Class indicate variable names;
  • The primitive Product is used to calculate the user-defined variable;
  • Finally, SepalLength, SepalWidth correspond to the operands of the primitive, which can either be variable names, constant values, or results of other primitives.

Khiops offers a highly-expressive data transformation language, making it easy to define user-defined variables. An exhaustive list of available primitives is available on the reference page.

For situations that require numerous user-defined variables, the Khiops Python library Core API allows users to programmatically add these variables to a dictionary, as shown in the following example:

Add user-defined variables programmatically using the core API

import os
from khiops import core as kh

# Set path to the dictionary
dictionary_file_path = os.path.join(kh.get_samples_dir(), "Iris", "Iris.kdic")

# Load the learning dictionary object
domain = kh.read_dictionary_file(dictionary_file_path)
dictionary = domain.get_dictionary("Iris")

# Add 10 unused supplemental numerical variables to the learning dictionary
number_of_supplemental_variables = 10
for variable_index in range(1, number_of_supplemental_variables + 1):
    supplemental_variable = kh.Variable() = "SupplementalVariable" + str(variable_index)
    supplemental_variable.type = "Numerical"
supplemental_variable.used = False

Example Selection

Another possibility for defining the scope of an analysis involves selecting a subset of training examples (i.e. the rows of the dataset). For instance, when building a model to predict unemployment risk, the training dataset should exclude retirees and minors, focusing only on the working population.

Khiops makes example selection efficient and scalable, even for large datasets. By defining a selection criterion directly in the dictionary, filtering is done on the fly during data processing, avoiding the need to load the entire dataset into memory.

For example, in the Iris dataset, rows where the Class is "Iris-setosa" can be excluded by adding a user-defined selection variable to the dictionary:

Example: Using a selection variable in a dictionary

Dictionary  iris
    Numerical   SepalLength;
    Numerical   SepalWidth;
    Numerical   PetalLength;
    Numerical   PetalWidth;
Unused  Numerical Selection = NEQc(Class, "Iris-setosa"); // exclude the "Iris-setosa" class from the training set 
    Categorical Class;  
  • Selection is a user-defined variable calculated with the NEQc primitive (NEQc stands for a not-equal-to primitive, with categorical operands);
  • The Unused keyword ensures the variable is not part of the analysis but is used only for filtering the examples.

Once defined, this selection variable, containing 0s and 1s, can be exploited programmatically during training with the Khiops Python Core API. The following example demonstrates how to filter examples by retaining only rows where the selection variable equals 1 while training a predictive model:

Train a predictive model using the core API

# Imports
import os
from khiops import core as kh

# Set the file paths
dictionary_file_path = os.path.join(kh.get_samples_dir(), "Iris", "Iris.kdic")
data_table_path = os.path.join(kh.get_samples_dir(), "Iris", "Iris.txt")
results_dir = os.path.join("kh_samples", "train_predictor")

# Train the predictor