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Predictor Rules


Structure(Classifier) NBClassifier(Structure(DataGridStats) dataGridStats1, ...)

Builds a Naive Bayes Classifier structure from a set of data grids stats that encode the target conditional probabilities. Each data grid stats results from a preparation model (data grid) and input values, which allows the computation of conditional probabilities.


Structure(Classifier) SNBClassifier(
  Structure(Vector) variableWeights, Structure(DataGridStats) dataGridStats1, ...
Builds a Selective Naive Bayes Classifier structure. The first parameter is weight Vector for the selected variables. The remaining parameters are the same as for the NBClassifier rule.


Categorical TargetValue(Structure(Classifier) classifier)

Computes a Classifier's most probable target value.


Numerical TargetProb(Structure(Classifier) classifier)

Computes the Classifiers probability of the most probable target value.


Numerical TargetProbAt(Structure(Classifier) classifier, Categorical targetValue)

Computes the Classifier probability (score) of a given target value.


Categorical BiasedTargetValue(Structure(Classifier) classifier, Structure(Vector) biasValues)

Computes the Classifier highest score target value, after adding a bias to each initial target value score.


Structure(RankRegressor) NBRankRegressor(Structure(DataGridStats) dataGridStats1, ...)

Builds a Naive Bayes RankRegressor structure from a set of data grids stats.


Structure(RankRegressor) SNBRankRegressor(
  Structure(Vector) variableWeights, Structure(DataGridStats) dataGridStats1, ...

Builds a Selective Naive Bayes RankRegressor. The first parameter is weight Vector for the selected variables. The remaining parameters are the same as for the NBRankRegressor rule.


Numerical TargetRankMean(Structure(RankRegressor) rankRegressor)

Computes the RankRegressor target rank mean.


Numerical TargetRankStandardDeviation(Structure(RankRegressor) rankRegressor)

Computes the RankRegressor target rank's standard deviation.


Numerical TargetRankDensityAt(Structure(RankRegressor) rankRegressor, Numerical rank)

Computes the RankRegressor density of the target rank for a given normalized rank (between 0 and 1).


Numerical TargetRankCumulativeProbAt(Structure(RankRegressor) rankRegressor, Numerical rank)

Computes the RankRegressor probability that the target rank is below a given normalized rank.


Structure(Regressor) NBRegressor(
  Structure(RankRegressor) nbRankRegressor, Structure(DataGrid) targetValues

Builds a Naive Bayes Regressor structure. The first parameter is a Naive Bayes RankRegressor. The second parameter is the distribution of the numerical target values, encoded as a univariate numerical data grid based on a vector of values partition.


Structure(Regressor) SNBRegressor(
  Structure(RankRegressor) snbRankRegressor, Structure(DataGrid) targetValues

Builds a Selective Naive Bayes Regressor structure from a RankRegressor.The first parameter is a Naive Bayes RankRegressor. The second parameter is the distribution of the numerical target values, encoded as a univariate numerical data grid based on a vector of values partition.


Numerical TargetMean(Structure(Regressor) regressor)

Computes the Regressor mean target value.


Numerical TargetStandardDeviation(Structure(Regressor) regressor)

Computes the Regressor standard deviation of the target value.


Numerical TargetDensityAt(Structure(Regressor) regressor, Numerical value)

Computes the Regressor density of the target for a given value.