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Recoding Rules

Many recoding methods take a partition as a first parameter and a value of the same type (Numerical or Categorical) as a second one. They retrieve the part of the partition containing the value, and output an index, which may be

  • an integer value ranging from 1 to S, where S is the partition size,
  • or an identifier (like I1), which is a generic Categorical value,
  • or a label (like ]-∞; 2]), which is a comprehensible Categorical value.


Numerical InInterval(Structure(IntervalBounds) interval, Numerical inputValue)

Returns 1 if the input value belongs to the interval, 0 otherwise. The interval bounds must contain exactly two bounds, for intervals of type ]lowerBound; upperBound]. For left-open or right-open intervals, use comparison derivation rules, such as G, GE, L or LE.


Numerical InGroup(Structure(ValueGroup) valueGroup, Categorical inputValue)

Returns 1 if the input value belongs to the value group, 0 otherwise.


Numerical CellIndex(Structure(DataGrid) dataGrid, SimpleType inputValue1, ...)

Computes the Numerical cell index of a list of values given a data grid. The list of values are either numerical Numerical or Categorical according to the data grid input partition types.


Categorical CellId(Structure(DataGrid) dataGrid, SimpleType inputValue1, ...)

Computes the Categorical cell identifier of a list of values given a data grid.


Categorical CellLabel(Structure(DataGrid) dataGrid, SimpleType inputValue1, ...)

Computes the cell label of a list of values given a data grid.


Numerical ValueIndexDG(Structure(DataGrid) dataGrid, SimpleType inputValue)

Computes the Numerical index of a value given a univariate data grid.


Numerical PartIndexAt(Structure(DataGrid) dataGrid, Numerical index, SimpleType inputValue)

Computes the Numerical part index of a value given a data grid and an index of dimension in the data grid. The index must be between 1 and the number of dimension in the data grid, and the value of the type (Numerical or Categorical) relative to the given dimension of the data grid.


Categorical PartIdAt(Structure(DataGrid) dataGrid, Numerical index, SimpleType inputValue)

Computes the categorical part identifier of a value given a data grid and an index of dimension in the data grid.


Numerical ValueRank(Structure(DataGrid) dataGrid, Numerical inputValue)

Computes the average normalized rank of a numerical value given a univariate numerical data grid.


Numerical InverseValueRank(Structure(DataGrid) dataGrid, Numerical inputRank)

Computes the average value related to a normalized rank given a univariate numerical data grid.


Structure(DataGridStats) DataGridStats(Structure(DataGrid) dataGrid, SimpleType inputValue1, ...)

Computes statistics (conditional probabilities) for a list of values given a data grid. The number of input values correspond of the inputs variables, which might be inferior to the number of dimensions in that data grid. The remaining dimensions in the data grid correspond to the output variables.


Numerical SourceConditionalInfo(Structure(DataGridStats), Numerical outputIndex)

Computes the source conditional info (negative log of the conditional probability) for the input cell related to the data grids stats and for the index of the target cell of the data grid given as a parameter (index starts at 1).


Categorical IntervalId(Structure(IntervalBounds) intervalBounds, Numerical value)

Computes the Categorical part identifier of a Numerical value given a partition into intervals.


Categorical ValueId(Structure(ValueSet) values, Numerical value)

Computes the Categorical part identifier of a Numerical value given a partition into a set of numerical values.


Categorical GroupId(Structure(ValueGroups) valueGroups, Categorical value)

Computes the Categorical part identifier of a Categorical value given a partition into a set of groups of categorical values.


Categorical ValueIdC(Structure(ValueSetC) values, Categorical value)

Computes the Categorical part identifier of a Categorical value given a partition into a set of categorical values. If value is not found in the value set, returns the part identifier of the special value * if it is defined, 1 otherwise.


Numerical IntervalIndex(Structure(IntervalBounds) intervalBounds, Numerical value)

Computes the Numerical part index of a Numerical value given a partition into intervals.


Numerical ValueIndex(Structure(ValueSet) values, Numerical value)

Computes the Numerical part index of a Numerical value given a partition of numerical value sets.


Numerical GroupIndex(Structure(ValueGroups) valueGroups, Categorical value)

Computes the Numerical part index of a Categorical value given a partition of groups of categorical values.


Numerical ValueIndexC(Structure(ValueSetC) values, Categorical value)

Computes the Numerical part index of a Categorical value given a partition into a set of Categorical values. If the value is not found in the value set, it returns the index of the special value * if it is defined, 1 otherwise.