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Table Rules

Table rules return an empty (categorical) or missing (numerical) value when the table is empty.

If the table is empty, the rules below return:

  • An empty value ("") for rules that return Categorical
  • A missing value for rules that return Numerical


Numerical TableCount(Table table)

Size of a table.


// Number of sales for a customer
Numerical saleNumber = TableCount(sales);
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Numerical age;
  Categorical sex;
  Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
  Table(Sale) sales;               // 0-n relationship
  // Number of sales for a customer
  Numerical saleNumber = TableCount(sales);

Dictionary Address(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical street;
  Categorical city;
  Categorical zipcode;
  Categorical State;

Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical product;
  Numerical cost;
  Date purchaseDate;


Numerical TableCountDistinct(Table table, Categorical value)

Number of distinct values for a Categorical value in a table. A missing value is considered as a special value (empty) and counted as well.


// Number of different products in a customer's sales
Numerical saleProductNumber = TableCountDistinct(sales, product);
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Numerical age;
  Categorical sex;
  Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
  Table(Sale) sales;               // 0-n relationship
  // Number of different products in customer's sales
  Numerical saleProductNumber = TableCountDistinct(sales, product);

Dictionary Address(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical street;
  Categorical city;
  Categorical zipcode;
  Categorical State;

Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical product;
  Numerical cost;
  Date purchaseDate;


Numerical TableEntropy(Table table, Categorical value)

Entropy of a Categorical value in a table. The entropy of a categorical value is analogous to the variance of a Numerical value. It is large in case of all values having the same frequency in the table, and small in the case of few frequent values.


// Entropy of the distribution of products of a customer's sales
Numerical saleProductEntropy = TableEntropy(sales, product);
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Numerical age;
  Categorical sex;
  Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
  Table(Sale) sales;               // 0-n relationship
  // Entropy of the distribution of products of a customer's sales
  Numerical saleProductEntropy = TableEntropy(sales, product);

Dictionary Address(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical street;
  Categorical city;
  Categorical zipcode;
  Categorical State;

Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical product;
  Numerical cost;
  Date purchaseDate;


Categorical TableMode(Table table, Categorical value)

Most frequent value for a Categorical value in a table. In case of ties in frequency, the method returns the first value by lexicographic order.


// Most frequent product in a customer's sales
Categorical saleMainProduct = TableMode(sales, product);
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Numerical age;
  Categorical sex;
  Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
  Table(Sale) sales;               // 0-n relationship
  // Most frequent product in a customer's sales
  Categorical saleMainProduct = TableMode(sales, product);

Dictionary Address(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical street;
  Categorical city;
  Categorical zipcode;
  Categorical State;

Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical product;
  Numerical cost;
  Date purchaseDate;


Categorical TableModeAt(Table table, Categorical value, Numerical rank)

N-th most frequent value for a Categorical value in a table. Returns an empty value for ranks beyond the number of different values.


// Second most frequent product in a customer's sales
Categorical saleSecondMainProduct = TableModeAt(sales, product, 2);
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Numerical age;
  Categorical sex;
  Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
  Table(Sale) sales;               // 0-n relationship
  // Second most frequent product in a customer's sales
  Categorical saleSecondMainProduct = TableModeAt(sales, product, 2);

Dictionary Address(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical street;
  Categorical city;
  Categorical zipcode;
  Categorical State;

Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical product;
  Numerical cost;
  Date purchaseDate;


Numerical TableMean(Table table, Numerical value)

Mean of numerical values in a table.

This rule (and the other similar ones) takes only the non missing values into account. Its returns missing if the table is empty or if all the values are missing.


// Mean product cost for a customer's sales
Numerical saleMeanCost = TableMean(sales, cost);
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Numerical age;
  Categorical sex;
  Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
  Table(Sale) sales;               // 0-n relationship
  // Mean product cost for a customer's sales
  Numerical saleMeanCost = TableMean(sales, cost);

Dictionary Address(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical street;
  Categorical city;
  Categorical zipcode;
  Categorical State;

Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical product;
  Numerical cost;
  Date purchaseDate;


Numerical TableStdDev(Table table, Numerical value)

Standard deviation of numerical values in a table.


// Standard deviation of product costs for a customer's sales
Numerical saleStdDevCost = TableStdDev(sales, cost);
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Numerical age;
  Categorical sex;
  Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
  Table(Sale) sales;               // 0-n relationship
  // Standard deviation of product costs for a customer's sales
  Numerical saleStdDevCost = TableStdDev(sales, cost);

Dictionary Address(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical street;
  Categorical city;
  Categorical zipcode;
  Categorical State;

Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical product;
  Numerical cost;
  Date purchaseDate;


Numerical TableMedian(Table table, Numerical value)

Median of numerical values in a table.


// Cost standard deviation for a customer's sales
Numerical saleMedianCost = TableMedian(sales, cost);
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Numerical age;
  Categorical sex;
  Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
  Table(Sale) sales;               // 0-n relationship
  // Cost standard deviation for a customer's sales
  Numerical saleStdDevCost = TableStdDev(sales, cost);

Dictionary Address(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical street;
  Categorical city;
  Categorical zipcode;
  Categorical State;

Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical product;
  Numerical cost;
  Date purchaseDate;


Numerical TableMin(Table table, Numerical value)

Min of numerical values in a table.


// Minimum product cost for a customer's sales
Numerical saleMinCost = TableMin(sales, cost);
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Numerical age;
  Categorical sex;
  Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
  Table(Sale) sales;               // 0-n relationship
  // Minimum product cost for a customer's sales
  Numerical saleMinCost = TableMin(sales, cost);

Dictionary Address(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical street;
  Categorical city;
  Categorical zipcode;
  Categorical State;

Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical product;
  Numerical cost;
  Date purchaseDate;


Numerical TableMax(Table table, Numerical value)

Max of numerical values in a table.


// Maximum product cost for a customer's sales
Numerical saleMaxCost = TableMax(sales, cost);
// Year's day of last purchase in sales
Numerical saleLastYearDay = TableMax(sales, YearDay(purchaseDate));
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Numerical age;
  Categorical sex;
  Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
  Table(Sale) sales;               // 0-n relationship
  // Maximum product cost for a customer's sales
  Numerical saleMaxCost = TableMax(sales, cost);
  // Year's day of last customer sale
  Numerical saleLastYearDay = TableMax(sales, YearDay(purchaseDate));

Dictionary Address(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical street;
  Categorical city;
  Categorical zipcode;
  Categorical State;

Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical product;
  Numerical cost;
  Date purchaseDate;


Numerical TableSum(Table table, Numerical value)

Sum of numerical values in a table.


// Total cost of a customer's sales
Numerical saleTotalCost = TableSum(sales, cost);
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Numerical age;
  Categorical sex;
  Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
  Table(Sale) sales;               // 0-n relationship
  // Total cost of a customer's sales
  Numerical saleTotalCost = TableSum(sales, cost);

Dictionary Address(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical street;
  Categorical city;
  Categorical zipcode;
  Categorical State;

Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
  Categorical customer_id;
  Categorical product;
  Numerical cost;
  Date purchaseDate;