Table Rules
Table rules return an empty (categorical) or missing (numerical) value when the table is empty.
If the table is empty, the rules below return:
- An empty value (
) for rules that returnCategorical
- A missing value for rules that return
Size of a table.
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Numerical age;
Categorical sex;
Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
Table(Sale) sales; // 0-n relationship
// Number of sales for a customer
Numerical saleNumber = TableCount(sales);
Dictionary Address(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical street;
Categorical city;
Categorical zipcode;
Categorical State;
Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical product;
Numerical cost;
Date purchaseDate;
Number of distinct values for a Categorical
value in a table. A missing value is considered as
a special value (empty) and counted as well.
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Numerical age;
Categorical sex;
Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
Table(Sale) sales; // 0-n relationship
// Number of different products in customer's sales
Numerical saleProductNumber = TableCountDistinct(sales, product);
Dictionary Address(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical street;
Categorical city;
Categorical zipcode;
Categorical State;
Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical product;
Numerical cost;
Date purchaseDate;
Entropy of a Categorical
value in a table. The entropy of a categorical value is analogous to the
variance of a Numerical
value. It is large in case of all values having the same frequency in the
table, and small in the case of few frequent values.
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Numerical age;
Categorical sex;
Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
Table(Sale) sales; // 0-n relationship
// Entropy of the distribution of products of a customer's sales
Numerical saleProductEntropy = TableEntropy(sales, product);
Dictionary Address(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical street;
Categorical city;
Categorical zipcode;
Categorical State;
Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical product;
Numerical cost;
Date purchaseDate;
Most frequent value for a Categorical
value in a table. In case of ties in frequency, the method
returns the first value by lexicographic order.
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Numerical age;
Categorical sex;
Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
Table(Sale) sales; // 0-n relationship
// Most frequent product in a customer's sales
Categorical saleMainProduct = TableMode(sales, product);
Dictionary Address(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical street;
Categorical city;
Categorical zipcode;
Categorical State;
Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical product;
Numerical cost;
Date purchaseDate;
N-th most frequent value for a Categorical
value in a table. Returns an empty value for ranks
beyond the number of different values.
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Numerical age;
Categorical sex;
Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
Table(Sale) sales; // 0-n relationship
// Second most frequent product in a customer's sales
Categorical saleSecondMainProduct = TableModeAt(sales, product, 2);
Dictionary Address(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical street;
Categorical city;
Categorical zipcode;
Categorical State;
Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical product;
Numerical cost;
Date purchaseDate;
Mean of numerical values in a table.
This rule (and the other similar ones) takes only the non missing values into account. Its returns missing if the table is empty or if all the values are missing.
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Numerical age;
Categorical sex;
Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
Table(Sale) sales; // 0-n relationship
// Mean product cost for a customer's sales
Numerical saleMeanCost = TableMean(sales, cost);
Dictionary Address(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical street;
Categorical city;
Categorical zipcode;
Categorical State;
Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical product;
Numerical cost;
Date purchaseDate;
Standard deviation of numerical values in a table.
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Numerical age;
Categorical sex;
Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
Table(Sale) sales; // 0-n relationship
// Standard deviation of product costs for a customer's sales
Numerical saleStdDevCost = TableStdDev(sales, cost);
Dictionary Address(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical street;
Categorical city;
Categorical zipcode;
Categorical State;
Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical product;
Numerical cost;
Date purchaseDate;
Median of numerical values in a table.
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Numerical age;
Categorical sex;
Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
Table(Sale) sales; // 0-n relationship
// Cost standard deviation for a customer's sales
Numerical saleStdDevCost = TableStdDev(sales, cost);
Dictionary Address(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical street;
Categorical city;
Categorical zipcode;
Categorical State;
Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical product;
Numerical cost;
Date purchaseDate;
Min of numerical values in a table.
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Numerical age;
Categorical sex;
Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
Table(Sale) sales; // 0-n relationship
// Minimum product cost for a customer's sales
Numerical saleMinCost = TableMin(sales, cost);
Dictionary Address(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical street;
Categorical city;
Categorical zipcode;
Categorical State;
Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical product;
Numerical cost;
Date purchaseDate;
Max of numerical values in a table.
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Numerical age;
Categorical sex;
Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
Table(Sale) sales; // 0-n relationship
// Maximum product cost for a customer's sales
Numerical saleMaxCost = TableMax(sales, cost);
// Year's day of last customer sale
Numerical saleLastYearDay = TableMax(sales, YearDay(purchaseDate));
Dictionary Address(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical street;
Categorical city;
Categorical zipcode;
Categorical State;
Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical product;
Numerical cost;
Date purchaseDate;
Sum of numerical values in a table.
Root Dictionary Customer(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Numerical age;
Categorical sex;
Entity(Address) customerAddress; // 0-1 relationship
Table(Sale) sales; // 0-n relationship
// Total cost of a customer's sales
Numerical saleTotalCost = TableSum(sales, cost);
Dictionary Address(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical street;
Categorical city;
Categorical zipcode;
Categorical State;
Dictionary Sale(customer_id)
Categorical customer_id;
Categorical product;
Numerical cost;
Date purchaseDate;