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TimestampTZ Rules

TimestampTZ values are encoded in data table files using Khiops native format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.zzzzzz.

TimestampTZ values consist of a local timestamp value together with time zone information, using the ISO 8601 time zone format:

  • <Timestamp format>zzzzz:
    • Basic time zone format (Z or +hhmm or –hhmm)
  • <Timestamp format>zzzzzz:
    • Extended time zone format (Z or +hh:mm or –hh:mm), with hours and minutes separated by :

TimestampTZ values are time zone-aware whereas Timestamp values are not.

TimestampTZ values can be transformed to Timestamp values using either the LocalTimestamp or UtcTimestamp rules. Then, the Timestamp rules that extract information can be used (ex: GetDate, GetTime, DecimalYearTS, DecimalWeekDay, AbsoluteSecond).

TimestampTZ rules return a missing value when their timestampTZ operand is not valid or when a numerical operand is missing or invalid.


Categorical FormatTimestampTZ(TimestampTZ value, Categorical timestampTZFormat)

Formats a TimestampTZ value into a Categorical value using a TimestampTZ format. TimestampTZ format is a categorical constant value among the available TimestampTZ formats (for example: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSzzzzzz).


TimestampTZ AsTimestampTZ(Categorical timestampTZString, Categorical timestampFormat)

Recodes a categorical value into a TimestampTZ value using a TimestampTZ format.


AsTimestampTZ(“2014-01-15 18:25:00+02:00”, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSzzzzzz”)


Timestamp UtcTimestamp(TimestampTZ value)

Builds a Timestamp value from a TimestampTZ value after conversion to UTC time zone.


Applying UtcTimestamp to 2020-03-21 12:15:30+02:00 returns the timestamp 2020-03-21 10:15:30.


Timestamp LocalTimestamp(TimestampTZ value)

Builds a Timestamp value from a TimestampTZ value after conversion to local time zone.


Applying LocalTimestamp to the TimestampTZ value 2020-03-21 12:15:30+02:00 returns the Timestamp value 2020-03-21 12:15:30.


TimestampTZ SetTimeZoneMinutes(Timestamp value, Numerical minutes)

Modify the time zone information of a timestampTZ value. The minutes must be between -12*60 and +14*60.


Applying SetTimestampMinutes to the TimestampTZ 2020-03-21 12:15:30-03:00 with 120 for the minutes argument returns the TimestampTZ 2020-03-21 12:15:30+02:00.


Numerical GetTimeZoneMinutes(TimestampTZ value)

Returns the total minutes of the time zone (+- (hh * 60 + mm)) from a timestampTZ value.


Applying GetTimestampMinutes to the timestampTZ 2020-03-21 12:15:30+02:00 returns 120.


Numerical DiffTimestampTZ(TimestampTZ value1, TimestampTZ value2)

Difference in seconds between two timestampTZ values.


Timestamp AddSecondsTSTZ(TimestampTZ value, Numerical secondNumber)

Adds a number of seconds to a timestampTZ value.


Numerical IsTimestampTZValid(TimestampTZ value)

Returns 1 if a TimestampTZ value is valid.


TimestampTZ BuildTimestampTZ(Timestamp timestampValue, Time timeValue)

Builds a timestampTZ value from a timestamp value and time zone information in minutes. The minutes must be between -12*60 and +14*60.